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The Hearst Foundations are national philanthropic resources for organizations working in the fields of culture, education, health and social services. The Hearst Foundations identify and fund outstanding nonprofits to ensure that people of all backgrounds in the United States have the opportunity to build healthy, productive and inspiring lives.

In 2020, I redesigned their main website to be more user-friendly to potential grantees.


One of their annual programs, the United States Senate Youth Program, is a unique educational experience for outstanding high school students interested in pursuing careers in public service. Two student leaders from each state, the District of Columbia and the Department of Defense Education Activity participate in a remote learning experience about the work of their national government. Student delegates hear major policy addresses by senators, cabinet members, officials from the Departments of State and Defense and directors of other federal agencies, and hear from the president of the United States and a justice of the U.S. Supreme Court. At the end, delegates are awarded a $10,000 college scholarship for undergraduate studies, with encouragement to pursue coursework in history and political science.

Typically, this program is held in-person and a physical yearbook is created, but due to the pandemic and the fact that this event has been remote, I had the opportunity to evolve the once print-edition to a digital website. This also allowed the students and government officials to easily share content from the event.

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